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Articles Tagged with Motorcycle Accidents

While most of us are pretty aware of the rules of the road as they pertain to driving a passenger vehicle, there are specific laws in our state that pertain specifically to motorcycle riders that our readers may want to be aware of. Knowing these laws, no matter whether you are a car driver or a motorcycle rider, can help keep you safe. If an accident occurs between a motorcyclist and a passenger car driver, these laws will have an impact on who is found liable for the crash.

You may have been traveling down a freeway in another state when a motorcyclist passed you in your own lane. While that might seem dangerous, some states do not have laws that explicitly prohibit this act. This means that if you are sitting in traffic during rush hour, motorcyclists in those states may pass you by driving in the space left within your lane. While this may be okay in some states, it is illegal in the state of New York. This illegal maneuver is called lane splitting.

Another law that may be of interest to our readers has to do with two motorcyclists riding in one lane. State law does not explicitly disallow this act. State law only says that all motorcyclists are entitled to the full use of a lane. That means a passenger vehicle cannot encroach on a motorcyclist’s space just because he or she doesn’t take up a lot of room on the road.

In today’s post we continue our discussion on things motorcycle riders can do to try to avoid an accident. We use the word “try” because that is truly all a rider can do in situations where others are involved. We have seen many cases where even the most experienced and knowledgeable rider cannot avoid the mishaps of others.

The most common accident that happens to motorcyclists is when another vehicle turns left in front of them. This is often where we hear the “I didn’t see them” excuse. A motorcyclist should always be aware that any intersection where a car is preparing to turn left may be an immediate threat. In these situations, it may benefit a rider to slow down and prepare for evasive measures if needed. Although some might think laying down their bike is the best option if they are about to collide, being in an upright position is a much better option. The best hope of surviving such a crash is to lower your speed as fast as possible before colliding. This could mean the difference between life and death.

What can a motorcyclist do to avoid having a car change lanes into them? Again, awareness is key here as well. Try to stay out of other vehicles’ blind spots and be aware of situations where vehicles are more likely to change lanes (such as when one lane of traffic is moving faster than another).

Motorcycle accidents are some of the most tragic on the road. With a lack of protection from the actual vehicle, injuries can be horrific. On the other hand, motorcycles do have features such as excellent handling, tires that grip well and powerful breaks that help riders avoid accidents. Unfortunately, a rider may do everything in his or her power to avoid an accident, but still hurt by the negligence of another driver on the road.

In our next two posts we will discuss what motorcyclists can do to stay safe on the road. First, there are quite a few things that motorcyclists can do on their own to increase their safety. Taking basic riding courses in order to educate yourself on safety is a smart idea. It’s also important to consider what you are wearing. Although your gear may not necessarily prevent all possible injuries, it may allow you to be in better control of your bike and can also help other drivers see you better.

There are several scenarios in which your speed will make a world of a difference. For example, a rider may enter a corner too fast, which could make them lose control. A good rule to follow is “slow in, fast out.” Go into the turn slowly and then speed up once you are out of it. This can be especially helpful if you end up hitting gravel in a blind corner.

Despite the warm weather in central New York, the end of the summer is drawing near. As a matter of fact, the official first day of fall is next week. With that, the weather is expected to get cooler and people will start putting their motorcycles away for the winter. Experienced riders may know when to say when, but younger riders may test their limits.

This could lead to disastrous results. 

It is known that the first 30 days a new rider has a motorcycle can be the most dangerous. This is especially true if the rider has just purchased a new one. New riders may not have the experience to navigate tight turns or be able to make split decisions when in tight spots in traffic. Also, an insurance institute report indicated that a considerable number of motorcycle collision claims occurred within the first 30 days that the policy was purchased.

When the weather is this good during the summer time, it may sometimes be difficult to go to work. This is not because traffic is terrible or strangled by snow; it’s because nice days like these shouldn’t be wasted by spending so much time indoors. Some in our region make the most of the weather and their commute time by riding bicycles or motorcycles to work. This way, they get to enjoy the outdoors and get to work in a timely manner.

Nevertheless, riding bikes and motorcycles come with unique dangers. After all, riders don’t have a steel cage to protect them in the event of a crash, so the protection between the asphalt and their person is likely only a helmet. With that said, motorcycle riders and bicyclists must be vigilant while commuting. This post will provide some helpful tips to make the commute safe.

Choose your route carefully – Indeed, the scenic route may provide the most enjoyment, but make sure that it gives you enough room to maneuver, has lighter traffic than main thoroughfares, and does not have any additional hazards (such as potholes) that can lead to an accident.

It may seem like it has come so fast, but the height of the summer is almost here. No, we are not talking about the vernal equinox (i.e. the longest day of the year). Instead, it is the Fourth of July holiday weekend. This time of year is ripe for riding motorcycles. If you are a driver, you should expect to see more riders than usual. If you are a motorcycle rider, it is important for you to take the following tips to heart next weekend. 

Don’t ride and drink– There are likely to be additional patrols out to catch drunk drivers. Keep in mind that the police will be looking for impaired motorcycle riders too.  Besides the criminal implications, riders should be mindful that alcohol affects one’s judgment and  balance; two things that are essential for safely riding a motorcycle. So don’t drink and ride.

Obey the speed laws – The quick acceleration and high speeds are what drive some people to ride motorcycles. However, the faster you go, the likelihood increases that you will be in an accident. After all, you may be skilled rider, but some skills may not help in avoiding an accident with a bad driver.

Memorial Day weekend brings out people not only in cars and SUVs, but also on motorcycles. As we alluded to in earlier posts, the volume of traffic on the roads this weekend strongly suggests that the chances of accidents will be higher than usual.

When considering how this will affect motorcycle riders, it is important to know that riders must be more vigilant compared to other times of the year. With that said, we offer some critical safety tips to that can help keep motorcyclists safe.

Be defensively vigilant – More often than not, the driver of a car is at fault in car-motorcycle accidents. Because of this, riders must be wary of cars that may change lanes without signaling or pull out from driveways without looking both ways. Additionally, making sure to keep safe distances from cars can help in giving that extra time to react to hazards.

If you follow our blog and have seen an increase in posts involving motorcycles, there is a reason for it. May is motorcycle safety month, and we feel it is prudent to remind our readers of the dangers surrounding bike rides.

Yes, riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating. The quick acceleration, the maneuverability and wind rushing by can be intoxicating. There is nothing like the freedom of being on a motorcycle, but riders must be especially careful during this time of year. Believe it or not, but drivers are still getting used to seeing motorcycles on central New York streets and highways.

With that, we offer a few safety tips that riders of all types of motorcycles can take advantage of.

In a prior post we highlighted how a motorcycle rider’s GoPro camera captured a near fatal accident where another rider did not see him and barreled into him. It remains to be seen why the other rider did not see the crashed motorcyclist; as it is much more common for drivers to fail to see motorcycles.

But what if motorcycles talked to each other? Indeed, the notion of vehicles talking to each other may seem far-fetched right now. But with the prospect of self-driving vehicles growing every year, it is more likely that motorcycles will talk to each other too

Part of the safety features that come with autonomous driving features is the ability for cars to exchange information about location and speeds so that collisions can be avoided. The technology is being developed so that cars can see and detect each other, but being able to see motorcycles would be beneficial as well. After all, the common claim (or statement) by drivers is that they did not see the motorcycle before a crash.

It should go without saying that motorcycle accidents are scary experiences. Imagine speeding down the road at more than 70 miles per hour when something goes wrong. You may not have any options as you lose control and you crash.

It may be difficult to fathom the horror and despair that comes with being in such an accident, but a recent report may give some perspective. A motorcycle rider in California had his helmet camera rolling as he rode through the Los Angeles Crest Highway when he swerved to avoid an oncoming rider.

Thankfully the motorcycles did not crash into each other, but the rider lost control and crashed; his GoPro camera catching everything as it happened. The rider injured his ankle, foot and knee; but it is the quest to find the offending rider that is newsworthy.

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