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Three important safety tips for motorcycle riders

If you follow our blog and have seen an increase in posts involving motorcycles, there is a reason for it. May is motorcycle safety month, and we feel it is prudent to remind our readers of the dangers surrounding bike rides.

Yes, riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating. The quick acceleration, the maneuverability and wind rushing by can be intoxicating. There is nothing like the freedom of being on a motorcycle, but riders must be especially careful during this time of year. Believe it or not, but drivers are still getting used to seeing motorcycles on central New York streets and highways.

With that, we offer a few safety tips that riders of all types of motorcycles can take advantage of.

Be seen – As we alluded to earlier, many drivers claim that they did not see a motorcycle rider before an accident occurs. While this is often just an excuse for negligence, there is some truth to the need for riders to be seen. So staying out of blind spots, using headlights and wearing bright colors can help in being seen.

Don’t ride and drive – Just like drivers shouldn’t drink and drive, the same applies to motorcycle riders. After all, alcohol affects one’s judgment and more importantly, one’s balance. While it may be fun to have a few drinks while at a bar, it is not fun to be in an alcohol related accident.

Obey the speed laws – Yes, the thrill of being on a motorcycle is the thrill of quick acceleration and high speeds. However, following the speed laws is also important. 

Related Posts: Debunking common myths related to motorcycle safety, Common causes of motorcycle accidents: Part 1, Does a helmet help in a motorcycle accident?, Motorcyclists killed in New York accident

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