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How common is drunk driving in New York state?

In a perfect world, there would be no drunk driving. Unfortunately, the world we live in is far from perfect and drunk driving is something that occurs throughout the country. How common drunk driving is varies from state to state. 

This can be seen in the results of a recent survey. The survey results show estimates of around how many drunk driving incidents different states have per every 1,000 people. Of the states for which the survey yielded data, the state with the highest rate (995 incidents for every 1,000 individuals) was Hawaii and the state with the lowest rate (217 incidents for every 1,000 individuals) was Utah.

What rate did the survey results show for New York state? The results indicate that, in the state, there are 372 drunk driving incidents for every 1,000 individuals. Thus, New York is closer to the lower end of the spectrum than the higher and has a lower rate than quite a few other states.

It also has a lower rate than most of its neighbors. Of the five states that directly neighbor New York, only one, New Jersey, had a lower drunk driving incident rate than New York.

Of course, while New York’s drunk driving incident rate may be better than the rates of many other places, it also indicates that there are still quite a few drunk driving incidents in the state. What do you think could help in the battle against drunk driving in New York? 

Accidents caused by drunk drivers can be devastating to their victims. Civil legal actions can sometimes provide victims of such crashes with avenues to get compensation for the injuries and harms they experienced as a result of the accident. Attorneys can help drunk driving accident victims understand what specific options the civil legal system makes available to them.

Source: LiveScience, “Drunk Driving Rates by State,” Tia Ghose, August 6, 2015

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