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What you should look for in a good doctor

Anyone who tells you about finding a doctor who’s right for you knows how difficult it can be.  Indeed, doctors are qualified to practice their respective crafts, but they may not have the bedside manner or the natural empathy that makes patients feel secure with their advice.

Also, not all doctors have a way of making clients feel valued, and more importantly, not all physicians follow the standards set forth by state law and professional guidelines. Further, patients may not be able to find helpful information about the doctor they are considering. As such, we feel that providing some guidelines would be helpful. 

Your doctor should stay abreast of the latest research – It should not be lost on patients to ask whether their physician is on top of the latest research, trends and topics that matter to you. After all, you want your doctor to be knowledgeable and skilled.

Your doctor should not judge – There’s nothing more demeaning than being judged. Indeed, a doctor who cares about you may be strong about the advice they give based on their analysis, but you should not feel like you are a fool when you are in the doctor’s office. More than just bedside manner, your doctor shouldn’t begin the examination with a preconceived notion about you.

Your doctor should get enough sleep – A well-rested doctor can be better for patients as he or she may be more precise and have the patience to deal with troubled clients and difficult staff members. 

The preceding is not legal advice.

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