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Wal-Mart reportedly settles wrongful death suit

The trucking industry is arguably suffering with the weather that is affecting the northeast. There are reports of trucking accidents throughout the region, mainly due to snowy and icy roads. It suggests that there are sometimes instances where drivers, despite their efforts to use reasonable care, can be involved in accidents.

Unfortunately, there are instances where reasonable care should have been used, and the lack of it results in an accident. In these instances, it is helpful when an offending party takes responsibility and moves to settle a lawsuit. This apparently was the case with the lawsuit stemming from a crash last summer involving a Wal-Mart truck.

The truck crashed into a limousine bus carrying comedian Tracy Morgan and his entourage. Morgan and several others were seriously injured, and fellow comedian James “Jimmy Mack” McNair was killed. After a lawsuit was filed, Wal-Mart initially claimed that it was not liable for the injuries suffered because the people in the limousine were not wearing their seatbelts.

Nevertheless, Wal-Mart recently reached a settlement with Mr. McNair’s family. While the exact terms of the settlement remain confidential, the McNair’s family attorney said publicly that Wal-Mart “more than stepped up to the plate to take care of his family.” The settlement exemplifies the need for an experienced personal injury attorney to help in negotiating terms for payment after an accident. This is especially important in wrongful death cases, where family members’ emotions may be raw.

In the meantime, it appears that Wal-Mart is working on settlements with other people involved in the crash.

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