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Cosmetic surgery: what questions should I ask?

In our last post we started discussing cosmetic surgery. This type of surgery has a large range of risks that come with it, just as other surgeries do. Although there are risks involved, many people still make the decision to go through with the surgery. One of the best ways to prepare for such a surgery is to make sure you find a surgeon you are comfortable with and to ask the right questions.

It’s good to learn about the qualifications of your surgeon. Is he or she board-certified? How many procedures has he or she done? What kind of results should you expect? You should also discuss any kinds of complications that could happen, especially if you have an extensive medical history. Beyond that, it’s important to know what the recovery will be like and how long you may need to take off work.

The doctor should also discuss things like scarring, cost and possible discomfort due to the surgery. Going into this type of surgery with these questions answered can help you feel confident in your decision. If your surgeon is avoiding discussing any of these topics, you may want to consider working with a different surgeon.

Finally, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of your cosmetic surgery. Although swelling and bruising is temporary, most surgical scars are permanent. Recovery time often varies but it can go as long as 12 weeks.

Even when a person goes through all the right steps to prepare for a cosmetic surgery, medical malpractice can lead to severe injury. It’s definitely not the outcome that anyone expects, but if it does happen, it’s good to understand that the law may be on your side as you navigate a claim.

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