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Articles Posted in Birth Injuries


Help your child live a better life after a birth injury

When a woman finds out she is pregnant after trying to conceive, it is oftentimes a very joyous time. This moment is followed by months of ultrasounds, preparation, announcements, and baby showers. Many couples do their research to find the best medical professionals to help them during the process and…


New York birth injury focus: shoulder dystocia

Few things could possibly be more frightening for any involved person or family member to contemplate than something going wrong in an operating room. And when babies are the focal point in any matter involving substandard care, concern ratchets up to an unfathomable degree. Intuitively, we all know that. It…


Can a birth injury lead to a medical malpractice case?

The birth of a child can be described as a medical marvel. Being born alive after being nurtured in a mother’s womb just doesn’t happen without some monitoring and careful handling; especially considering all the things that can go wrong during a birth. Because of these possibilities, many hospitals have…


10 questions to help determine if a birth injury occurred

Parents in Syracuse start protecting their children from the moment they learn of a pregnancy. Many books are published on the subject of “keeping your child safe,” but these books cannot answer every question parents have or help them handle labor on their own. They simply have to rely on…


Brain bleeds in fetuses and newborns can be discovered

Caring for fetuses and newborns is very important for obstetricians and neonatal nurses. Part of this care includes monitoring the birthing process to ensure that major issues are not missed. One of the hidden dangers of childbirth is internal bleeding within the child’s brain. This is a serious condition that…


Can midwives testify against nurses in birth injury cases?

In medical malpractice cases, expert testimony is critically important. After all, an expert must testify as to the standard of care expected out of a medical professional and what a reasonable physician, nurse or attendant should have (or would have) done in a given situation. As such, a surgeon would…

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