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Spinal cord injuries in the United States: facts to consider

When someone suffers a spinal cord injury, it can be life-changing. While in some cases, this type of injury can lead to sudden death, others are left to deal with the tragic injury the rest of their lives.

According to the National SCI Statistical Center, spinal cord injuries fall into several categories, including incomplete and complete tetraplegia, and incomplete and complete paraplegia. The most common type since 2010 is the incomplete tetraplegia.

Statistics also show that the age of the person who suffers a spinal cord injury has increased since the 1970s. Back then the average age was 29 years old. Now that number has risen to 42. Not surprisingly, about 80 percent of all new spinal cord injury cases happen to men.

As of 2014, there are about 276,000 people in the United States that are living with a spinal cord injury; that number may be as high as 337,000. Every year there are about 12,500 new spinal cord injury cases in the U.S.

It’s also interesting to learn how these injuries happen. According to the National SCI Statistical Center, many of these accidents, at least since 2010, came from vehicular crashes. In fact, this type of crash was the leading cause of such injuries. Close behind it were accidents that were considered falls. Other categories include sports, medical, violence, and other.

The medical costs associated with a spinal cord injury can be extremely high. If you or a loved one have been in an accident that caused a spinal cord injury, it’s important to speak with a lawyer about your case.

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