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Common causes of spinal cord injuries

The holiday season is known for family get togethers, elaborate light displays and shopping extravaganzas. Unfortunately, the holiday season is also known for accidents. Whether it is slipping on ice or being involved in auto accidents, spinal cord injuries are common during this time of year.

A spinal cord injury can occur when the spine suffers a severe, sudden trauma or when the vertebrae are compressed or fractured. A spinal cord injury can cause a disruption in nerve fibers, which can cause a lack of sensation in many areas of the body. For example, a person may lose their range of motion in their arms or legs, or they may not be able to move them at all.

Because of this, spinal cord injuries are taken very seriously. This post will highlight some of the common ways that a person can suffer such an injury. 

Auto accidents – As we mentioned earlier, traumatic spinal cord injuries can be suffered in car accidents, particularly when a rollover accident is involved. Then a car lands on its roof, tremendous pressure can be applied to passengers’ heads and necks.

Falls – This is likely the most common way that spinal cord injuries occur. At this time of year, many people put up outdoor holiday decorations, and even trim the insides of their homes with lights and garnishing. Countless people are injured in falls from ladders.

Sports injuries – Of course, spinal cord injuries can be suffered playing sports; especially football and cheerleading.

If you have suffered a spinal cord injury, whether you may be entitled to compensation depends on a number of factors. To learn more about your rights and options, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. 

Related Posts: Spinal cord injury treatment options, Facts about spinal cord injuries, Coping with a spinal cord injury, Upper spine injured in an accident? Prepare for major setbacks

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