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What could have caused an Oswego diner to catch fire?

City landmarks are cherished venues, and they have a knack for standing the test of time. However, sometimes landmarks can succumb to disasters; as did an iconic restaurant in Oswego. According to a report, Wade’s Diner was severely damaged by a fire last night. The popular restaurant had been serving customers for more than 75 years.

The diner had opened for business on Monday morning and had closed at noon. When firefighters responded, they had to cut a hole in the roof so that the heat and smoke could escape so that they could control the fire.

Fortunately, no one was hurt. 

No one was in the restaurant when the fire broke out, but investigators are still exploring what could have caused the fire. It was discovered that the fire was in the building’s attic, but they are still unsure of what started the fire.

If, however, the fire was caused by a defective pipe or mechanism that was supposed to shut off properly, the manufacturer of the mechanism could be held liable if it was found to be negligent in repairing it or informing the property owner of a potential defect. As we have noted with a number of our posts, manufacturers have a continuing duty to inform consumers of defects that could put them in danger. Additionally, the must take reasonable steps to resolve such defects so that consumers will not be injured.

If a manufacturer is found to be negligent, and property is damaged or destroyed as a result, the property owner could bring a lawsuit to recover money damages. 

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