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E.coli outbreak in meat can lead to severe symptoms

A lot of our readers may have heard about the E.coli outbreak associated with Chipotle. It has reached our state and five others. It is not yet clear which food specifically caused the outbreak, but it does give us an opportunity to discuss food outbreaks in general.

A lot of people are very careful with the type of meat they use and how long they keep it. Why? Meat has been recalled for various reasons throughout the country every year. Last year there were 18 million pounds of meat recalled. That may seem like a lot, but if you go back to 2008, there were 154 million pounds of meat recalled.

The types of meat that are most recalled vary from year to year. During some years, beef, pork and poultry took the top spots. Other meats, such as buffalo, sheep, and “mixed” meats have also been recalled throughout the years.

Although large recalls from companies such as Chipotle or Cargill make the front page, it’s also important to remember that even your local deli might recall their food at one time or another.

While it’s never fun to get sick from bacteria in food, many people get by with having to deal with a week of bad symptoms such as abdominal cramps, diarrhea and dehydration. But for others, E.coli can be potentially deadly. Some individuals have developed kidney failure as a result of this bacterium.

This type of situation can quickly lead to medical bills that are outrageous. If a consumer ends up having to stay at a hospital due to one of these breakouts, they may consider seeking compensation from the company at fault.

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